Monday, September 29, 2008

How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR

This is the first part of two series of articles about How to Increase Your Google Adsense CTR. Many people think that they just have to copy and paste Google Adsense code into their website and start earning a huge amount of money from it. What a huge mistake! I also thought the same way two years ago. Later I realized that without optimization, that's impossible. Here I will share all of the tricks to increase my Google Adsense CTR that I found within the last two years.

Here are some tips to increase your Google Adsense CTR:

1. Make sure the ads that are appearing on your site are closely related with your content. This is the first thing you have to do because if your ads are not relevant, there's small possibility that people will click on them. Then, what should you do to tackle this problem? Here are the tips:
* Create a keyword rich content. I suggest you creating one topic a page.
* Check your keyword rich content and then mark some of your keywords as bold or italic. But don't do it too much, just do it 1 – 2 times per page. Otherwise, Google assumes you are doing spamming.
* Use your keyword in your page title.
* Use HTML Tag H1 as your content title, and put your keyword in it. Don't forget to place this tag at the beginning of your content.
* If all those tips still do not work, there is just one possibility: there are no ads that matched with your keyword! You can check this out by using this marvelous tool from the Digital Point Website. It is called the Google Adsense Sandbox, and located in
You'll be asked to enter your selected keyword and it will display every Adsense ads that's connected with that keyword. What if your suspicion is correct? Change your keyword! Do not worry; sometimes you just have to change one or two words.

2. Use wide ads (336x280, 300x250 or 250x250). Because these are the best performing ads.

3. Blend your ads with your website themes. For example, if your background color is white, change your ads border and background color to white as well. If your background color is dark (black), use bright color such as yellow as link color. This will decrease user ad-blindness.

4. Place your Google Adsense in these positions:
* Above the fold
Above the fold is the top position of your page that's visible without your visitor having to scroll down. This is the best location that works for me. I place 336x280 ad unit in this location and it works very well. Why? Okay, back to our example. Your article is about "how to bake delicious bread". Someone finds it from search engine; when he opens it, he first sees ads about "baking school", "baking book" or "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?
* In the middle of an article.
This works well if your article is long (more than 500 words). People tend to stop for a while and look for something different while they read. I suggest using rectangular ads (125x125, 180x150, 300x250, 336x280, 250x250 ad unit) for this purpose and make it left justified.
* At the end of an article.
Many people reported that placing Google Adsense ads at the end of their article tends to work very well. This is because when people finish reading an interesting article, they usually think "okay, what's next?" That's your chance! By placing Google Adsense ads at the end of this article, people will spend a minute to read it and then (maybe) click it. For example, you write an article about "how to bake delicious bread". And at the end of it, there are some ads about "bread recipes". Who won't be interested?

5. Regarding the fourth tip, I don't recommend you placing three ad units in a single page. From my experience, the number of ad unit you place in a single page doesn't affect your CTR. In fact, I even found that placing three text ads in a single page make my ads "unblended". For example, I put 160x600, 468x60 and 336x280 ads on a single page. You know what? My 468x60 ads only showed 3 ads in it, whereas my 336x280 ads only showed 2 ads in it! My suggestion is: use 1 – 2 ad unit and a single link unit on your page (Google allows 3 ad unit and 1 link unit to be placed on a single page).

6. Always use Link Unit! Many people never realize that Link Unit is the most profitable format if put in the right place. Try to place it near your navigation menu. People will misidentify it as a navigation menu and automatically read it. If your ads are closely relevant to your content, there's big possibility they will click it. I move the top navigation in one of my websites to the bottom section and replace it with 728x15 Link Unit Ads. You know what? My Google Adsense CTR increased by 200%!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Google AdSense Made Easy!

If you are looking to monetize your Website or Blog then Google AdSense would be one of best options for revenue generation through text, image and video advertisements. Just type "AdSense" in any search engine and you would be amazed to find numerous websites which give quality information on this topic. It also signifies the importance of making money online, many Internet marketing experts and intellectuals have made abundant blog posts and written ebooks on the same topic. This article would be of great use for rookies and people who want to get into Google AdSense.

We can find many discussions on AdSense on almost all major discussion boards, forums and blogs. AdSense has become a buzz for teenagers who want to meet their personal expenses by running blogs of their personal interests. Even fulltime webmasters research to find various techniques for consistent revenue generation without any copyright infringement and violations of copyright laws.

Ironically many authors who claim to be the authority on AdSense and other advertisement media are still thriving to generate consistent revenue online. For this reason, there is no point in buying ebooks on this topic. All the information that you ever needed can be found online and especially at Google's own pages. AdSense is a Google owned program that allows webmasters to display pay per click ads on their webpages. These advertisements are content sensitive (or contextual). This means that if you have a website on computers, advertisements displayed will be about computers. AdSense ads are highly relevant and it is because of this reason it is more successful. In fact, in the 3rd quarter of the year 2007, Google made a whopping $1.45 billion just from AdSense alone.

There have been other ways of online advertising like popups and banner ads. However, these are not so profitable and efficient when compared to pay per click ads. When was the last time you clicked on a banner or waited to see what a popup was about to display? The answer would be rare. However, the case is different with pay per click ads. As, these ads are contextual thus they can easily blend in with the content of the web page. Users click on the ads only when they are interested in the ad, this proven result generates huge targeted traffic to the advertiser. Targeted traffic means more conversions in return of investment and profits.

Being a webmaster or an active blogger you might have already known that "To increase revenue from AdSense earnings we have to place multiple ads on rich content web pages. Here are some tips in maximizing your revenue with multiple advertisements.

Make sure the ad unit with the highest CTR is the first ad unit in the HTML code of your page. We've heard that there may be some confusion on this, so here's some clarification on how we serve ads to a page once we know which ads win the auction.

First we would start with selecting the ad unit on our main web page. I got some amazing results when I selected an ad size of 300x250 rectangle. Apart from selecting the right size, it is also important to select the right place and color of the ad unit.

I went through a survey on how a person uses the Internet. The results were remarkable, most of the users move the cursor in the centre or on the extreme right corners of a web page. Considering these facts it would be sensible to place the ads in the middle of the page or on the right hand side of the web page.

Selecting the ad color is also important. We can select the ad units which match the web page color and start placing them in between the content.

How about selecting the keywords which yield good money! It is always important to write a quality content which the visitors find valuable. If the content is based on high frequency keywords then it would be great!

Now that you have known few tips on AdSense, let us try these tips and watch your earnings grow!

Most of the Google AdSense publishers commit mistakes naively which could ban their AdSense account.

These AdSense tips are derived from Google Program policies, Terms & Conditions and FAQ's.

1. Never click your own AdSense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason.
2. Never change the AdSense code.
3. Do not place more than 3 advertisement units or 2 AdSense search boxes on any web page.
4. Do not disclose confidential information about your AdSense account like the CTR, CPM and income derived via individual ad units.
5. You do not need to create 5 accounts for 5 different websites. One account will do.
6. Label headings should be "sponsored links" or "advertisements" only.
7. Do not add it on web pages with MP3, Video, News Groups, and Image Results. Also exclude any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content.
8. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing
9. Ensure the Language is Supported
10. Do not confuse with adjacent images

Prevention is better than cure, so whenever you are in doubt it is better to ask AdSense for help.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Do All About You Love and The Money Will Follow ...

After do internet business so long, and also create a blog, and explore the thousands of blogs and web sites from within and abroad with a variety of topics, I finally culminate in a conclusion that the success of a blog or a web site depends on how much you love or like topics blog / your website. So, is not because the knowledge you have, but because you love the topic.

Business and internet bloggers who can continue to survive even advanced topics that are usually blog / the website according to their beloved. If the topic is not appropriate interest, which usually happens sooner or later, fate blog / the website will soon have "end" it.

When you first intend to create a blog, we may initially open-open another blog. And then attracted to a successful blog, you have many visitors and bring in a lot of money. And so we think to make the same topic. While we may not like it. We only think that a blog that we have high traffic and is able to wash the money.

Believe, for that matter any of the topics you blog make, have the same chance of success. Live how well you provide content to the visitor.

Basically, you have to go to topics that really interest you. Because if not, you are difficult to understand. And in the end you will lose the interest to fill the content. Conversely, if we love and fun of topics that we write, at any time until we will never cease to hold explore.

Indeed, sometimes blog activity, especially in the early-early feels very heavy. It takes concentration, effort, and time enough to address them. There are many of you may have another occupation. You may double as the head of the village in your daily work or dense enough.

And the more weight, when you are already trying hard enough, but apparently the results are not commensurate. Rarely have visitors and our comments on your blog. There are no links that connect. And of course there is no money flow.

When it is, you usually have time weigh. However, the trust, you establish trust. Believe that nothing is useless in the face of this earth. Including weary toil you will paid blog.

One thing that will help you during such a difficult period is the love you for what you write. If you really love what you write on the blog, money matters to be number two. The main, you can only write on topics that are dearer to you. You will not stop even though the results have not been satisfactory. You will continue to write and write. Never stop ...

If you are already on this case, the blog is not merely a job for you. Blog has become the way of your life. Being a part of yourself even. And you will always enjoy.

I guarantee if you are in a condition such as the success of your blog is just a matter of time. No measurable benefits that you will feel. If not now, tomorrow or day after tomorrow, I believe a time will you feel and how delicious luck a blogger.

Not difficult to have a blog or a web site that produces a lot of money. You need only totality. Totality does not mean you have to spend 24 hours a day 7 days a week in front of the screen. Totality means ignites your taste with your blog. Your blog has become a part of yourself. And therefore, you will give full attention to it. Given the growth of maintenance and whole-heatedly. With joy to share science and knowledge to visitors blog. And share the feeling.

Even if your main motivation blog to earn money also not wrong. Origin you manage a serious and consistent, the money is just "a result" you must accept.

The most important is love for the topic you choose. If you are happy, then at any time until you will continue to survive blog. And will continue to learn how to always provide the best content visitor. And the love interest is your biggest strength for success in any of the topics selected.

Maybe you can only employ people to write a topic that you do not like. But it's not a blog, you can guarantee success. Because however you are responsible for the die-blog your life. And thanks to the love of your depth of field that you geluti, then you will run with a vengeance.

Even if you're looking for a writer, my advice you still need to control the words that result. And in the search, select the authors who love to read, learn and always want to give up have abstinence. That way, we can ascertain the quality of your blog's content continues to increase. However, once again, you still have to control.

So essentially you have to like the topic you will write. About the technical capabilities can be learned later. Promotion hone skills such as, for example.

If for example there are questions like: Where you select topics that generate money or popular? My suggestion, choose the topics you love. There is no other suggestion. As the title says: "Do what you love and the money will follow ..."