Sunday, March 22, 2009

Niche AdSense Templates - The Right Ads on Your Topic to Increase Profits

Which of all the niche AdSense templates are right for your websites depends on your business plan. If there is no business plan then profit is of no concern to you. For those webmasters were profit is part of the business plan, then the right niche AdSense template can make all the difference in the amount of traffic and profit you will have.

When deciding on the right template, consider one of the most popular and widely used format programs available and that is WordPress. This format is widely used because of the simplicity for which it can be changed and utilized by the common web master. There is no computer language needed to be know, just the knowledge of cut n paste. That is all that is needed to place any AdSense ad on a web site. The plugin needed to do this is introduced in the same manner as importing or downloading a file.

The right templates are designed to maximize traffic by getting the attention of the web surfing public. This is done with a first glance recognition technique. Basically when a surfer first sees a sight, a signal is sent to the surfer's brain that they are at the right place. This is generally done with the appropriate symbols and soft colors in the background. There are many free templates out on the market, but like all things, you get what you pay for. Free niche AdSense templates are currently being used by many web sites. Because of this your web site will not stand out among a crowd.

Niche AdSense Themes from MasonWorld has the best that are available that have not saturated the market place. The right niche AdSense templates are available for your website at a reasonable price. Explore the possibilities of profit.

WordPress AdSense Theme - First Impression is the Only Chance

Choosing the proper WordPress AdSense theme for your blog can be a crucial decision to the success and profitability of your site. With the millions of blogs on the web, the competition is fierce and most blogs are lucky to get one chance at grabbing a surfer's attention before they move on. This is why the right WordPress AdSense theme is so important.

WordPress has been around since 2003 and was created by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as a branch off the original b2. This is a templating type system written in PHP and HTML codes where widgets can be moved about without it being necessary to edit the computer code. This system was built to be search engine friendly that could sustain permalinks with a variety of article categories. One of the better advantages of this system is with the ease at which the plugins can be added and utilized. A great example of this is the AdSense plugin. Once this is installed a blogger can import their AdSense code into the plugin and it will be automatically configured and written into the computer code for the site. This makes getting started easy and simple, especially for the novice blogger.

Since WordPress is already set up to be search engine friendly and additional plugins to optimize this process are available to increase traffic, the next step is to keep the web surfer on your site. This is when the decision of which WordPress AdSense theme is made. Getting web surfers to make the decision to stay usually happens within the first 5 seconds from initial contact. If the background, colors and appearance are not conducive to what the surfer expects and is looking for, they will move on.

The right WordPress AdSense theme is your first glance recognition tool that will keep the web surfer looking for more on your site.

AdSense Basics Every Publisher Should Know

Many people have online presence with ideas and plans of earning money. And topics such as earning money Online are really popular in that context. Internet is the only home to people who have plans to make Money online, no matter through promoting their business or through any other means. And among those other means, AdSense is the most popular one.

AdSense comes from the top internet company, Google and is often called Google AdSense. It was introduced in June 2003 and has been very popular among publishers who have desire to earn money. Publishers in this context refer to those who are publishing the Google AdSense advertisement on their website or blog. So if you opt for AdSense ads for your website or Blog then you are the AdSense publisher. Another part Advertiser is that if you are displaying the ads through the AdSense ads but that comes with different program from the same company (Google) namely AdWords. And now that's different story again.

Well, AdSense is an advertising program that publishers (see above) use to display advertisements on their website or blog in accordance to their content and make Money. Why we focus more with the term "content" here is really because AdSense Ads come with the type of content you have, or put it simply "AdSense is contextual advertising". Ads that are displayed on your website's specific page depend upon the content that you have on the page. For instance, if you have Blogger information on your blog's page then its more likely that you have ads related to blogger on your page. But sometimes what happens is the software thing of Google can't exactly determine the type of the context on your page or may not simply have the ads related to your content and thus the ads are not relevant. This also happens frequently if you don't have content on your page. But it's really essential that you have Ads according to the content of your page in order to make some bucks using this program.

Now, the AdSense program should not sound confusing if you are willing to make some money online; this is one of those programs that can really help you. But if you also want to know if it makes some sense using AdSense or the reason why I am saying its worth to give it a try, you can read the below sub topics of why to use AdSense and why you may not want to go with that program.

Why use AdSense?

The first thing that any one can immediately utter after looking at AdSense is Money. The money is the basic or primary thing to choose AdSense. And this is really important thing to seek AdSense. Almost all of the publishers choose AdSense only because they have the money making concepts in mind. And the good thing is that it's really possible to make a good amount through AdSense. Nonetheless making money through AdSense depends on lot many things which we shall be discussed in other posts of this blog.

There's one more reason to choose AdSense. In fact there are many reasons and may differ from publisher to publisher but one more important reason is to make your website or Blog of more worth. Yes it's possible to make your site more valuable by displaying ads and this is more relevant when we are talking about Google AdSense Ads. It should have been pretty much clear about the contextual ads AdSense displays and by displaying such ads on your website or blog works rather as more resource links on the topic or the content. Thus by displaying such AdSense ads on our pages, we are pointing to lot many valuable (in many cases) resources to explore. People may also be happy to go through the links if found useful afterwards and we are happy after all to have made some bucks through those Ads.

Why to avoid AdSense?

Frankly, one would really need to think lot to get the reasons on avoiding AdSense. However there are some that make sense to avoid this big deal program. First, many people believe that it reduces your page views. In fact any type of advertising does so. It may have several reasons but one thing many can agree with is that people prompt to leave your site with those Ads. This may be because they many not be satisfied with the content on your specific page and may be searching for other related things and end up with clicking on the ads instead of other relevant posts on the topic in your site itself. Many can argue that this is helpful as this can bring some revenue but if you don't matter the revenue, its better you don't go with the AdSense ads. For instance, if you sell some products through your site there's probability that people navigate away from your site without buying the products and in this case even the money you may earn from AdSense may be less worth then the possibility of your products being sold.

Second important reason to avoid AdSense is that you don't have complete control over the Ads being displayed on your site. Well, you can have some control in accordance with the content you publish in your site but that's not really adequate. There may be several Ads that you may not want to display on your site and using AdSense you have no choice that you remove those Ads. This is significant if the status and reputation of your site matters in ways of displaying Ads. I think this may be the reason why high profile sites are not attracted to this program and continue their own type of advertisements.

Ok, its up to you know. But I am sure; you are going to choose AdSense to display ads for your website or your blog. Well, if you have been already using, then I hope at least you should have known the basics of this AdSense program. I too hope this helps to have a better figure of AdSense in your mind.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Optimizing Google AdSense - Make it Pay More

With your Google AdSense account up and running, it's time now to get serious and have it pay more. This may take a little longer for new blogs and websites than on already established ones that have active visitors already. You need to find and use more profitable keywords in your content depending on the topic under discussion. How ever enticing it may be its always wise to abide by the laid down guidelines else you can easily loose your investment.

Using keywords in your content determines what adverts are placed on your pages. However excessive misuse of keywords could lead to disqualification or banning from Google AdSense program and most of all loose the pay. A keyword density of between 3-4% is suitable to maximize not only your ad placement but also visibility of your page on the search engine. This means you can repeat your keyword 3- 4 times for every 100 words in your page content.

Creating useful and content that is suitable to your visitors is more important. Using keywords to create content that cannot be understood will create more harm than good. It should be unique and highly valuable to your readers.

Apart from content creation it's a good idea to optimize your Google AdSense ad units so as to attract more clicks from unsuspecting visitors. This is called optimization it helps you become more visible to the search engine and attract the right ads every time it loads up.

To make AdSense pay more, you log on your account and click on the set up tab; you can create channels that help you monitor profitability of the ad units, change color on the palettes. After setting them up you are ready to create a add unit which and place the JavaScript code generated on your page. With time you will be able to know which colors, ad placement positions, and keywords work best for your site.

Monday, March 2, 2009

AdSense Reloaded, Matthew McDonald, and the Internet Marketing Dilemma

AdSense Reloaded is the latest product from well known internet marketer Matthew Mcdonald. It is truly a complete package that will provide everything you need if starting from scratch and contains numerous videos, MP3 audios, and PDF eBooks that collectively make up a complete business.

In the process, Matthew has declared for the world to hear the truth about affiliate marketing. It is nothing more than getting a bunch of people to send long term customers to vendors for the cost of a single commission.

AdSense Reloaded is marketed, as so many guru products are, as being able to make you a fortune just as soon as you click the buy now button on the sales page. That's the internet marketers dilemma. You can be truthful about the benefits or sell books. Usually, you can't do both.

For sure, he provides you with most everything you need to get going, which saves a ton of time. But you still have to get everything set up and running. And then it takes some time to get people coming to the sites and signing up. Then you have to wait to earn enough from the ads to get paid.

If you want to pay your house note next month, don't bother trying to do it with AdSense Reloaded. But if you want to pay your house note every month next year, that can be done.

Matthew is to be congratulated on a fine product that is based on a different approach to making money that I had never considered before. It's a sound foundation and a good way to build yourself a new income stream.