Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How to Write Content For AdSense Keywords Easily and Quickly

In our down economy, it is the greatest dream of everyone to earn a living online and finally live debt free. To this end, thousands of people are looking for job opportunities and one of them is how to make money with Google.

What is the #1 mistake of almost each beginner?

Almost 90% of the beginners devote huge time and energy looking for the high paying keywords to target in their campaign. This is not basically a bad idea. However, the bad idea is to forget another significant issue, which is the answer to the question "how to write content for the AdSense keywords?"

Does it make any difference than other normal writing?

Writing text specifically for AdSense sites can be a bit more difficult than you might expect. Many people may write about a lot of things and only get a few clicks per month that do not make any sense. As a result, they give up as few clicks per month do not worth at all the needed efforts

Does it make sense to start working on this concept?

Writing text for high paying keywords is one of the safe ways to make money online. Furthermore, it does not require any extra education or qualifications. That is why it is a perfect job for a stay at home mom.

What should you keep in mind when you are going to write?

The key thing to remember when writing content is you want to get as much traffic as possible to equate to profits. The equation here is the amount of traffic your ads generate will be influenced by the popularity of your text including how well your competitors are doing.

So, what would be the perfect content for AdSense templates?

The perfect content should provide answers and information to important questions. Many people use the internet to look for answers to the questions that they have. Search engines are an important feature and by creating good and useful information that answers questions, you will experience a large amount of internet traffic.

Reveal here this golden tip!

In this context, I can offer you here one of my nice tips. To know what internet searchers are looking for now, type any WH-question in Google and check all Google suggestions. For example, start with why, what, how, when, etc.

Then, repeat the same procedure by adding one word after the WH-question to be more specific. Check and save the suggestions. Now, you have a long list of questions that are frequently typed in the search engines. The answers for these questions are the perfect articles for the top AdSense keywords. Now you see that it is not enough at all to just search the internet for the most searched keywords.

Is it easy to learn how to write content for your AdSense empire?

Honestly, it is a skill that can be learned quite fine. Nevertheless, it will take a little time as it is not that easy to formulate good answers for unknown questions. In this context, I would recommend for you not to start alone and ask for help in choosing keywords, writing good content, and finally increasing your AdSense click through rate (CTR).

Overlook this tip and you will dramatically fail!

Never ever write general articles. Otherwise, your ads will be very general too and most probably they will not be clicked. You must force Google to show specific ads to your text. To do this, you will need to include your keywords in the H1 tags, body of the Web page with a density around 1%, title, and description of the article.

What would be your duty now?

Once you have over hundred posts online using your blog, you will soon notice your traffic grows and consequently your earnings. A good idea is to try to blog or post at least 3 to 4 short articles each day for a few months. This way you have plenty of content. This is should be followed by using a tool for AdSense tracking to know which search phrases or ad makes the best income. Then, you can adapt your marketing campaign accordingly.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

7 Myths and Facts About Google SERPs

  1. Myth: High Page Rank = high traffic.

    Fact: Big mistake. Page Rank only shows the popularity level of a website and has no connection with traffic. In fact, many websites with low Page Rank even have high traffic.

  2. Myth: Once your website is listed in a "link farm", Google will penalize it.

    Fact: Nonsense. Everyone is able to submit your website to a "link farm"; so what if it's one of your competitors who did it to ruin your reputation? Google will not be that stupid.

  3. Myth: Once your website is penalized and removed from Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), there will be no chance to resubmit it again.

    Fact: Big Mistake. If you suspect you get penalized, you better confirm it to Google and ask what the problem is. You are welcome to resubmit it as long as the problem has been fixed. Two problems that usually caused it are: you use black hat techniques to promote your website (cloaking, creating hidden link, creating doorway pages, etc) or you are being caught by big daddy algorithm (you create an exact copy of another website/ duplicate content).

  4. Myth: Google Sitemaps will increase your Page Rank.

    Fact: Big Mistake. Google Sitemaps is just used as an additional tool to index your webpages; so don't expect more.

  5. Myth: Google will ban your website if you use free articles in it, because it contains duplicate contents.

    Fact: It depends on the number of free articles you used. There are many people say that free article is the same as duplicate content, and Google will definitely ban it. But imagine; if they really do it, how many news websites (which usually take their news from CNN and Reuters) that are being banned by Google? Using free articles as your contents is fine as long as you do not cross the border. I suggest free articles are not more than 30%-40% of your total contents.

  6. Myth: Reciprocal Link is dead, and now it's time for one way link.

    Fact: This fact is still in debate since Google never gave a confirmation about it. But there is something in their help center that perhaps can answer this question:

    "Keep in mind that our algorithms can distinguish natural links from unnatural links. Natural links to your site develop as part of the dynamic nature of the web when other sites find your content valuable and think it would be helpful for their visitors. Unnatural links to your site are placed there specifically to make your site look more popular to search engines." (taken from Google Adsense Help Center )

    This maybe the reason why many people think reciprocal link is dead. But what about one way link? We all know that the most common way to get one way link is by submitting comments in popular blogs. Isn't it the same as unnatural links? One thing for sure here; no matter reciprocal link or one way link, they both can be treated as unnatural links by Google. And if that happens, your incoming links will not affect your Page Rank and your position in Google SERPs. There is no doubt that one way link is the best choice. And the only way to get a natural one way link is by creating a fresh and interesting content so other websites will be interested to link to it.

  7. Myth: Participating in Google Adsense and Google Adwords will definitely raise your Page Rank and your position in Google SERPs.

    Fact: Don't you ever think about it. If you hope that Google will automatically raise your Page Rank and your position in their SERPs since you are joining Adsense and Adwords, then you make a big mistake. Google has confirmed it in their help center:

    "Google's advertising programs are independent of our search result. Participation in an advertising program doesn't positively or negatively affect inclusion or ranking in the Google search results. Inclusion and ranking are free services; we don't accept payment to expedite inclusion or improve a site's ranking for particular keywords." (taken from Google Adsense Help Center )